We have long heard rumors and leaks about the two devices, whispers about its design and price, which although not official, has left the world wanting more and hype through the clouds. Today, after hearing thousands of things about Nokia 8 and 9, a video of four different smartphones of the company has come to light. In it, we can see both its front and back, but there is one thing that draws much attention. Surely many are wise and you have noticed, but for those who do not tell us. Let’s start looking to the right, as you can see this first smartphone is the Nokia 3. If we continue, we can see the Nokia 5, which was also introduced some time ago. https://youtu.be/28oo2mGS0nU But after this Nokia 5, if we follow the order of launch of the company, which smartphone would come? That is, the Nokia 6, but no, it is not what we found, but two devices that are not yet known and may be the new Nokia 8 and 9. That’s right, after the Nokia 5 we see two smartphones that have not yet seen the light. The first one, following the order from right to left, follows the aesthetics of the Nokia 5 in both front and back, with the front fingerprint reader and a single camera. But if we go to the next we see some change and is that if you look at its back, we can see a configuration of the double rear camera, something that has not yet seen on any Nokia smartphone. That’s why we can stand before the new high range of HMD, the Nokia 8 and 9 so expected by all. Now we have to wait for the company to get more information on the issue. So, what do you think about this new official leak? Simply share your views and thoughts in the comment section below.


Nokia 8   9 Make A Surprising Appearance In An Official Video - 87Nokia 8   9 Make A Surprising Appearance In An Official Video - 29Nokia 8   9 Make A Surprising Appearance In An Official Video - 62